Zyz Ibrahim Syah

Full name :

Abdul Azyz Ibrahim Sudargan

Nick Name :


Birth :

5th November 1988

Adress in Egypt :

Bld. 23/C/3 Islamic Mission City El-Abbasea Cairo-Egypt




Al Azhar University fac. Islamic Law (III)

Abdul Azyz Ibrahim was born on 5th November 1988. He was born from a simple family in Bogor West Java Indonesia. His father named Muhammad Sudargan who worked as a fruit merchant and farmer in the village. While his mother, Naiyah is a housewife who also worked as a tailor of women's clothing.

Azyz grown in his village. He studied elementary school at SDN KH Dewantara I in west Java. Then he went on a junior high school in MTs. Sirajul Falah West Java. Then continue the senior high school in Pondok Pesantren Darul Muttaqien Bogor in West Java. After that, he managed to get a scholarship from the Department of Religious Affairs and the Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Jakarta to continue her education in Mahad Buuts Tsanawiyah Al Azhar Cairo. During the following school education, Azyz always get the first prize in his class. When studied at Mahad Buuts Al Azhar, he managed to reach achievement as one of the best at graduation.

Now, Azyz studied at Al Azhar University Cairo Faculty of Islamic Law level III. In the first year, Azyz managed to get value "very good" and awarded students with the best value from Indonesia.

Abdul Azyz is a student who loved and admired Al-Azhar as a center of Islamic religious knowledge science. Azyz very grateful to get a golden opportunity to study at oldest universities in the world.

Email : tujuh_hari@yahoo.com

Facebook : tujuh_hari@yahoo.com

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